How to buy Cryptocurrencies using BIM Exchange ?

Buy cryptocurrencies may seem complex, but with BIM Exchange, the process is simplified and secure. In this guide, we'll show you how to buy cryptocurrencies on BIM Exchange using popular wallets like Metamask and TrustWallet. Follow these steps for a smooth buying experience.
Guide pour Acheter des Cryptomonnaies sur BIM Exchange

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Step 1: Owning a Wallet to Buy Cryptocurrencies

BIM Exchange supports over 340 wallets, including Rabby Wallet, TrustWallet… These wallets are renowned for their ease of use and security.

Créer portefeuille crypto

How to create a crypto wallet? Example with Rabby Wallet – BIM Blog

Would you like to create a portfolio the easy way? See our tutorial to create a portfolio and manage it simply with an email address :

How to buy cryptocurrencies without a crypto wallet – BIM Blog

Step 2: Find out which cryptocurrency is right for you

Surely you’re wondering which cryptocurrency to buy? Thanks to our partner 3Decrypt, you have access to a quick questionnaire that gives you information and suggestions on which cryptocurrencies to buy according to your preferences.

Step 3: Select and Buy Cryptocurrencies

Browse the different cryptocurrencies available on BIM Exchange. Choose the one you wish to purchase, enter the amount and click next.

Then fill in your details and click « connect » to continue your purchase.

Buy cryptocurrencies on BIM Exchange

BIM Exchange purchasing interface

Step 4: Connect your Wallet to BIM Exchange and buy Cryptocurrency

Select Metamask or WalletConnect and follow the instructions to establish the connection.

If you select WalletConnect to connect with TrustWallet, you’ll need to scan the QRCode with your TrustWallet application.

If you’re using a wallet on your browser, you should see it appear in the list (Example with Rabby Wallet in this screenshot). Simply click on it.

If you’re using your email as a wallet, enter your email address in the appropriate field and press enter.

In each case, you’ll need to validate a connection transaction on your wallet to move on to the next step.

So check your application, browser or e-mail, depending on your situation, to validate the connection and continue your purchase.

BIM Exchange login page

Step 5: Make the transfer and confirm the transaction

Once you’ve chosen your cryptocurrency and entered the amount, you’ll proceed with the transfer. BIM Exchange will provide you with the necessary information for the transfer, such as the address of the destination wallet.

This information will be displayed on the page and will also be sent to you by email.

Follow these instructions to transfer funds from your bank account to your wallet, or vice versa in the case of Crypto sales.

Once the transfer has been made, the transaction will be confirmed and your new cryptocurrencies will be added to your wallet or the money to your bank account.

Email with all information

Buying cryptocurrencies on BIM Exchange is both simple and secure, especially with reputable wallets.

By following these steps, you can easily diversify your cryptocurrency portfolio, facilitating your entry into the world of digital assets.

Source : BIM Exchange


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